Easy to Empty My Mind Here: A Few Poems from Mongolia
June and July 2011
Flap of felt in wind
Outside, camels close their eyes
Sleep is hard to come.
Morning sun subtle
Dawn breaks without announcement
No trace of night rain.
Shimmery grasses.
Over there, pools of water.
No! Only mirage.
Betsy’s Camel Ride:
Sad! Deflated humps!
Nothing much left to hold!
Old woman’s flat breasts.
Dandelion tufts
Waving from my camel’s neck
Otherwise, naked.
Bright bleached bone trees
Stand forlorn on stacked stone mountains.
Above: bunched sword grass.
Disturbed, geese cry out.
A legion of them
Wing their way between the canyon walls.
Sun dancer camel:
Hide lashed and taut on sturdy poles.
Witness: bone of one leg.
Smoke from the bathhouse.
Water heating for our ablutions.
Smell of desert brush.
Our drying garments
Are prayer flags.
Hung on camel rope:
Boons for our journey.
Near the high dun cliffs,
White butterfly on my leg:
Request: bless my day.
Paws trace moonlit ridge:
Silent Mongolian wolf.
Below, mindful dog guards us.