The Romance of the Village of Solución

I have put up a draft (much to be done) of The Romance of the Village of Solución on Amazon. It can be read on a Kindle if you have one. I have had this book kicking around for 12 or 13 years. It is about 76K words in length.  I’ve rewritten it several times. I just don’t know if I have the will to go through the submission process. I had a couple of bites a year or so ago but nothing panned out. So here it is. I hope somebody reads it and enjoys it. I think parts of it are hilarious. But it has a serious subtext.

I’m working on a piece called Malaysia Spirit Log: Paraanthropology in the Raw or the Housemates in the Kitchen. It’ll be stories from my times living in Malaysia. Some of it / most of it is memoir.

I’m also finishing the transcription of an interview with Dr. Maxine Mimms re: her recollections of time spent with Odetta. I’ll turn that into either a straight interview/edited or an essay based on the interview.

It must be winter. I’m sitting down to work!

In 2015, I’ll be available to do some history talks around the state of Washington. Go to the Humanities Commission site if you want to know more. Or ask me via FB or email.


About Llyn De Danaan

LLyn De Danaan is an anthropologist and author. She writes fiction and nonfiction. Katie Gale: A Coast Salish Woman's Life on Oyster Bay was published by the University of Nebraska Press. She is currently a speaker for Humanities Washington.
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