News from LLyn De Danaan July 15, 2015

cropped-LLyn-portrait-May-5-20151.jpgI’ll have a new story (fiction) in the “Timberland Reads Together” anthology due to be released in paperback and digital formats around August 15. The anthology will be featured in the October “Read Together” events sponsored by Timberland. I’m happy to be participating in this program. I’m also happy to be writing fiction! I’m well into a mystery called “Murder by Martiini.” Stay tuned.

Timberland Reads Together: All of October..stay tuned for more specific dates

Washington Center/Olympia October 5 (tentative)

Shelton Timberland Library October 6

Washington Humanities Events (public)

North Mason Timberland Library July 14 2015

Senior Services September 12 2015

Timberland Aberdeen Library November 10 (tentative)

Timberland Tumwater Library November 17 2015

Book Clubs (private)

August 31 2015

September 8 2015


About Llyn De Danaan

LLyn De Danaan is an anthropologist and author. She writes fiction and nonfiction. Katie Gale: A Coast Salish Woman's Life on Oyster Bay was published by the University of Nebraska Press. She is currently a speaker for Humanities Washington.
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