“Alone, alone about a dreadful wood……”
We have conquered many fears.
The first was the fear of the many downloads and devices that one must understand in order to have a web presence.
The second was the fear of the new Mac and all of its wonderful promises.
The third was the fear of the new camera and the many bells and whistles it demanded that I study before even taking one photograph.
The fourth was the fear of maintaining the site even after I started it.
The fifth was the fear that I’d forget to pay for the web streaming and other services.
The sixth was the fear that noone would look at my web site. I got over that fear by realizing that this work is primarily for me.
The seventh was the fear that I would lose my log in information.
The eighth was the fear that I’d become obsessed with the site. This is proving to be a groundless fear.
The ninth was the fear that I would sit frozen in front of my computer and simply not do anything with the site.
But here I am. Relatively fearless and ready to begin again after a month or more of travel and relentless avoidance of anything I might call “work.”
I spent most of June in Finland, Estonia, Russia and Ukraine. Then I spent the weekend of July 4 at Tule Lake Segregation Center with Mary Motomatsu and began attending to the Mountain of Shell project again. I have lots of interviews to conduct and images to edit and upload. I’d like to get on this during August and September.
However, I’ve also received an edited copy of my manuscript, Katie Gale’s Tombstone. It sits on my desk awaiting revisions. The revision task will require undivided attention. I may wait until November and December because I can be away from my office and internet connections to do the revisions.
So……plugging away….loving these two projects. Reminding myself that they will come together in due time.
In the meantime…I will upload a few new photographs to the Mountain of Shell project pages.