Katie Gale’s Tombstone: Landscape, Power, and Justice on Late 19th Century Oyster Bay

Today is February 21, 2010. After a marathon writing weekend, I’ve finished the book. I’m almost sick with giddiness. I’ll get it in the mail within the next two weeks. (I’ll have to do another read through.) Then decisions. My goal is to have this out and available this year.

Meanwhile, wonderful happenings on the Mountain of Shell project. I had a good interview with Justin Taylor and Charlie Stephens this week. I taped Justin. Charlie showed me a mounted calligraphy of a poem Mr. Sato had given him. I’m going to see Eleanor Barrick, the widow of “Short” Barrick this week. This is the family that cared for the Abo’s property while they were at Tule Lake. This coming weekend, Sue Kikuchi and her daughter Julie are hosting a tea for the Japanese-Americans on the bay…a first gathering in years! Their remodel/restoration of the beautiful Minegishi home is completed.

About Llyn De Danaan

LLyn De Danaan is an anthropologist and author. She writes fiction and nonfiction. Katie Gale: A Coast Salish Woman's Life on Oyster Bay was published by the University of Nebraska Press. She is currently a speaker for Humanities Washington.
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