Katie Gale Scheduled Signing Events in Fall


.Washington State Historical Society/Olympia

State Capital Museum   October 28 at noon.

.Orca Books, Olympia, WA November 1

.Powell’s Bookstore Portland, Oregon  October 3  7:30 p.m.

.Village Books Bellingham, WA November 2  4 p.m.

.University of Washington Bookstore, Seattle  November 6, 7 p.m.

.Eagle Harbor,  Bainbridge Island. November 17 at 3 p.m.


.Barnes and Noble Kitsap Peninsula

.Sage Books Shelton

.Mason County Historical Society




About Llyn De Danaan

LLyn De Danaan is an anthropologist and author. She writes fiction and nonfiction. Katie Gale: A Coast Salish Woman's Life on Oyster Bay was published by the University of Nebraska Press. She is currently a speaker for Humanities Washington.
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